- The 2010 Hugo Nominations Are Up! http://ff.im/-iAHLd #
- Notable Hugo nominations? A web comic and an audio podcast. Congrats to @howardtayler and @StarShipSofa (respectively). Yay! #
- Seeking serenity from social media stress http://ff.im/-iAIyF #
- 20 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed http://ff.im/-iAIBr #
- @suzanneyada No worries, it happens
I've noticed that Twitter has had some odd bugs lately. in reply to suzanneyada #
- The smartphone: a shackle once more http://ff.im/-iAIO6 #
- Resident Evil – Afterlife Trailer HQ http://ff.im/-iAKDD #
- Religion In Video Games: Losing Our Religion [Religion Week] http://ff.im/-iBfoo #
- Grab some food at The Rat tonight and contribute 15% of your bill to charity. Thanks to @GMUStudentGov #
- “The Republicans originally thought that Fox works for us, and now we’re discovering we work for Fox.” – http://aramzs.me/3 #
- .@KevinLoker John Stewart parodies Glenn Beck http://aramzs.me/jsgb #
- "Piracy" sounds too sexy, say rightsholders – http://aramzs.me/rs #
- RT @mashable: LEAKED: HP Slate Gets Priced and Specced – http://bit.ly/bwysku #
- US Court Rules Against FCC on 'Net Neutrality' in Comcast case – http://aramzs.me/4 [Well… we're screwed.] #
- Star Trek Online Struggles with only 100k Subscribers – http://aramzs.me/5 #
- RT @Jillfoster: I'm attending Digital Capital Week Brainstorming, you game? http://bit.ly/biHhB1 #dcweek #in #
- RT @MetroDCASTD: 6th Annual Innovations in e-Learning Symposium. June 1–3. George Mason University Fairfax, VA. Info. http://bit.ly/cLsdSR #
- My mini-view with @brianstelter from #cmanyc10 is up. His advice to young journalists? Be indispensable! http://bit.ly/bAaxL2 #
- HP Study Shows Twitter Predicts Success Of Movies – http://bit.ly/co7h2t #
- Via @EricaAmerica: A little late on this, but @NishaChittal, awesome post on @WhiteHouse showing its human side! http://bit.ly/cObxqc #
- Has anyone else gotten into the check.in beta yet? It's pretty awesome. #
- RT @mashable: Kevin Rose's First Move as Digg CEO: Kill the DiggBar – http://bit.ly/9vo3x2 [Too little too late IMO] #
- RT @lavrusik: What exactly is a social media editor/manager? @10000words rounded up some in the role to explain: http://bit.ly/9Xyqb2 #
- UPIU Featured by @spj_tweets – Check it out! http://bit.ly/dduSHj #
- Get Your eBook in the Apple iBookstore | Lulu Blog http://ff.im/-iF0JQ #
- @cyberdad What's the problem? in reply to cyberdad #
- @cyberdad Strange in reply to cyberdad #
- Live Video: Showcase of Cultures and Global Voices http://bit.ly/bWzRX0 #
- Too hot. It is too hot. #NoVA #Fairfax #
- Check this video out — Real Estate http://youtu.be/cQ9BkGVBqks #
- RT @saleemkhan: [I talk on this] "Two hours until… #wjchat …Responsibilities and Ethics in Social Media w/ @sona23" [RT @wjchat] #wjchat #
- Hello folks, I'm Aram Zucker-Scharff from Fairfax VA. New Media and Technology Manager for @UPIU and @GMUStudentMedia respectively. #wjchat #
- @sameoldjosti They got nothing on me.
- @wjchat It isn't the 80s, journalists are likely to change outlets often. They need to be able to carry their brand w/them #wjchat in reply to wjchat #
- @ethanklapper That seems silly, if it is on the web people will see it. Privacy is pretty much an illusion. #wjchat in reply to ethanklapper #
- @kimbui Yes. Journalists, just as much if not more than anyone else, must build strong personal brands. #wjchat in reply to kimbui #
- Q1: Also, you need something that will show up when they Google you.
#wjchat #
- RT @BrianManzullo: Q1 Readers want to talk to people. They want to see faces, not company logos. #wjchat #
- @MDiTV_Drew Themselves as people. If the public doesn't trust The News, they might trust you, if they know who you are. #wjchat in reply to MDiTV_Drew #
- Q1: And you shouldn't just have your personal brand on Twitter. Get a blog and all the other trappings. #wjchat #
- RT @wjchat: Q2 What are the pros and cons of having separate personal and professional Web profiles? Is it even realistic? #wjchat #
- RT @laurenmichell: Going to throw it out there: Transparency is the new objectivity. #wjchat #
- @ClaudiaKoerner I don't think that views are bad. IMO The new public know that journs have opinions and distrust them for hiding it. #wjchat in reply to ClaudiaKoerner #
- @joemurph Well promoting your personal work on your company dole is an ethics issue, not a bias one. #wjchat in reply to joemurph #
- RT @wjchat: Q3 Do you put personal thoughts/ideas on your professional accounts? Why or why not? Would a disclaimer help? #wjchat #
- If you believe it strongly someone will find out eventually, the more you try and hide it the worse it will be for you. #wjchat #
- Keeping an open mind is better than pretending you don't have bias. Be reasonable and reasoned. But be *honest*. #wjchat #
- @sona23 Agreed #wjchat in reply to sona23 #
- @ethanklapper Heh, to paraphrase the Google folks: If you don't want it on the internet, than don't do it. #wjchat in reply to ethanklapper #
- RT @JosephStash: RT @SaleemChat: Q3 … Part of being a journalist is giving analysis and perspective. #wjchat #
- @kimbui @ethanklapper Also, employers want real people. I know someone who got hired b/c they had pics of themselves drinking on Fb #wjchat in reply to kimbui #
- @ClaudiaKoerner I agree, but people know that u r a real person. If they perceive bias and you haven't established some sort of ID =blowback in reply to ClaudiaKoerner #
- @ethanklapper But if you are 21 than that's part of being a real person (unless you don't) #wjchat in reply to ethanklapper #
- @ethanklapper if you are not than the pics shouldn't exist in the first place, because I promise someone can find them eventually. #wjchat #
- RT @webjournalist: Q3 Um, if you think your points of view are always right, you need to go into another profession. [Well said] #wjchat in reply to webjournalist #
- I agree with @webjournalist – For journos unchangeable beliefs are bad, but opinions, views, positions, these make u a person online #wjchat #
- RT @wjchat: Q4 Should reporters comment on external (ie. not employers) sites related to their beat? What about on employers site? #wjchat #
- Q4: Don't you need to if you want to engage and get linkbacks? Just don't get into bad arguments. #wjchat #
- RT @ethanklapper: Q4 Commenting is very important, and journalists do need to be part of the conversation. #wjchat #
- Q5: Leave it up to the fans. If you get either one they have to be the ones to create it. #wjchat #
- Q6: Type what you want to type and spellcheck it. Anything beyond that is a waste of time. Unless you are doing it for SEO. #wjchat #
- Q7: Be open-minded and try everything. Be an early adopter or risk falling to the wayside. #wjchat #
- Good #wjchat folks. Fun conversing with you. #wjchat #
- @andysternberg Just be aware that ANY of it could be made public. #wjchat in reply to andysternberg #
- @grace_kendall @sameoldjostie But I'm only at 655.45 milliscobles! http://j.mp/azsfc
Dunno, it seems silly to tack on yet another acct. in reply to grace_kendall #
- @killbutton Yes, but someone can text that SMS to someone else, or e-mail it, very easily. #wjchat in reply to killbutton #
- @SaleemChat @Killbutton @andysternberg – Just pick up the phone and call someone if you are worried about integrity of msg. #wjchat in reply to SaleemChat #
- @killbutton Yes, I'd expect that it would be just as easier to get ahold of a DM via legal means. in reply to killbutton #
- Hey. Has anyone checked out Sparkcloud.com yet? It looks like a pretty awesome idea. #
- Has Twitter reached the tipping point? – http://aramzs.me/7 #
- @grace_kendall Fair enough. You could always unfollow and refollow after events? Anywho, the important stuff does go on FB too. in reply to grace_kendall #
- RT @lavrusik: Neat: @nytimesphoto is crowdsourcing photos to capture a "moment in time." Snap your pic on May 2 at 11 am: http://is.gd/bkowj #
- Economy Takes Toll on Study Abroad [Featured on UPIU] – http://bit.ly/ag9rPv #
- *yawn* #
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